According to Metali Goswani of De la Salle-college of Saint benilde,this particular fashion conundrum has its roots in the victorian era,at a time when buttons were expensive and mostly worn by wealthy people-women also had servants to dress them."Given that most people are right-handed,their buttons were placed on the servants right,which is the wearer's left side".men,on the other hand,dresssed themselves so their buttons were placed on their right side.Those who could not afford servents copied the style of wealthy,and women's buttons have remained on the left since..
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i like this activities...never been do it at the class..!!..this is the the first time activities during class bel...muuuuuaaaahh......
ReplyDeleteIm glad you love the activities. Im trying to make all of you realize that reading is not an easy thing to do. That is why I need you to apply skimming and scanning in order for you to be good at it. but it was not that bad, some of you manage to get what I asked you to. This is a very good platform for you to inculcate team spirit in each and every one of you. All the best to you too my assistant class rep :)