Tuesday, January 25, 2011

EverYDAy ActiVITIEs at My ClaSS.....!!!!

Once when i came to class..i feel so happy because of miss..!!!hehehe...she teach us with a full of happiness...she also make a activities that one of the student from AT1102D1 must give the story  to everybody at the class..what ever story..!!she don't mind..that the first activities before she start teaching us....BUT..???????..i don't like this...because...i don't know what i want to tell everybody....hehehehe....=D..

1 comment:

  1. that is the whole point bazilah, i want you to USE the language as frequent as possible! the key to be good in the language is to try and USE it, therefore by having this activities, i think i can help to provide u a platform to use the language,dont u think so? it is ok, your time will come. cant wait to hear your story :)
